Simplicity – preprostost


Sometimes we don’t need a lot on the cards. Sometimes less is more. I got an order for cards which should be simple. I admit, that this is now a little challenging for me. But that is always good for brains. Till now, I made two of them. I am very busy lately…work, school and crafting…that’s all I am doing right now 🙂


Včasih je manj več. Vačasih ne potrebujemo veliko, da naredimo, kljub preprostosti lepo voščilnico. Prejela sem naročilo za izdelavo nekaj čisto preprostih voščilnic. Priznam, da je to sedaj kar malo izziv. V obilju pripomočkov sedaj kar naenkrat na potrebujem veliko, da naredim, kljub preprostosti lepe voščilnice. Vsekakor pa je vask tak izziv dober za možgane.

Let’s look at the first one. For this one I first stamp all over the paper green branches, I tried to do it as much as possible random. I got some too with spaces which then I fill with Nuvo drops. When I was happy with background. I embossed sentiment in black that it stand out more. And that is it. Very simple, fresh and nice. What do you think?

Za prvo sem najprej na papir odtisnila zelene vejice. Odtisnila sem jih čim bolj naključno. Vmes sem dobila nekaj praznih prostočkov, a nič ne de. Ko sem bila zadovoljna z ozadjem sem se določila, da bom embosirala napis čestitke z črnim prahom, da bo bolj izstopal. Tistih nekaj raznih prostočkov pa sem nato zapolnila za Nuvo kapljicami. Ppir sem še prilepila na osnovo za voščilnico in je bila končana. Ti je všeč?

For the second card I decided to use also very light and vibrant color. Brand of the girl I am making them is very connected with nature and use a lot of wood, natural sources and natural colors. For this one I use a little abstract flowers. I stamp them in second generation to lighten the color. That means that first gently stamp to some other paper and then on the paper I will use for card. For some more interest I took a color pencil and draw some lines. This time I just stamp the sentiment in black and then add some gold Nuvo drops. Then I just glue paper on card base and it was finish. For both cards I use Wings of Hope stamp set form Altenew and sentiment from Do you like this one?

 Za drugo voščilnico sem na papir odtisnila oranžne rože, odtiski so druge generacije. To pomeni, da sem najprej nežno odtisnila na en papir nato pa na papir, ki ga bom uporabila za voščilnico. Ko sem zapolnila ves papir, sem na rože narisla še nekaj linij z barvico za malce bolj zanimv videz. Na koncu sem še odtisnila napis čestitke in dodala nekaj zaltih Nuvo kapljic. Za obe voščilnici sem uporabila Altenew set štampiljk Wings of Hope in napis od Kako pa ti je všeč tale voščilnica?

Please let me know if you like more simple or more full cards? Please let the comment below.

Thank you for stopping by and see you next time,

 Kakšne voščilnice imaš raje, preproste ali malce bolj polne? Prosim povej mi spodaj v komentarju.

Hvala za obisk in se vidimo kmalu, 



Categories: Rojstnodnevne

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