Crafting process

There are days when crafting or better ideas come easy and days when they not. Sometimes it took me some time to make something also sometimes I also made something only half way and then let things sit for a bit and when right ideas pop continue with it.
Right now I am making sketches for my final challenge for second level of my Altenew educator certification program.
It took me a while to come to the right ideas. Hope that cards will be awesome and you will like them.

If I am honest I have more than one project on my desk. Second one is baby collection. We are waiting for a baby and of course my nephew or niece, we don’t know yet, will have the most beautiful handmade things. My sister wanted everything in mint and gray color. So I stick to this colors.
So that was just a little update what is on my desk. I will finish it all soon and show you more details. Hope to see you soon.
Thank you for stopping by and see you next time,
Categories: Ostalo

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